
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020

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When people mention contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The problem nowadays is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being properly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as

Estrogen Receptor Polymorphism Linked to Dementia in Brazilian Cohort

In an effort to learn more about dementia, researchers evaluated 178 elderly Brazilian participants in a study on estrogen receptor polymorphisms. Amyloid plaques forming between neurons. Beta-amyloid protein disrupting nerve cells function in a brain with Alzheimer's disease Amyloid plaques forming between neurons. Beta-amyloid protein disrupting nerve cells function in a brain with Alzheimer’s disease Listen to an audio version of this article Dementia is used as a general term to describe the age-related decline in mental capabilities that are severe enough to interfere with day-to-day activities. This disorder is multifactorial and stems from genetic, metabolic, and environmental interactions. In the elderly, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. As we continue to live longer, statistics have shown that the world’s elderly population is quickly increasing. Becoming elderly often coincides with a change in lifestyle, occupation, and income—which can contrib

clinics in us

When general population refer to today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with corresponding scor

Special Collection by Oncotarget: Lung Cancer

Special Collections: Lung Cancer Oncotarget publishes open access peer-reviewed literature about research studies, clinical studies, reviews, case reports, and meta-analyses on a variety of different topics pertaining to cancer. Lung cancer continues to be an area of interest for researchers, therefore, the Special Collection on Lung Cancer was created by Oncotarget for scientists and researchers to discover new biomarkers, mechanisms, and therapies to treat this cancer. hospitals in usa New-York hospital Los Angeles hospital Chicago hospital Houston hospital All content submitted for publication has been reviewed by a diligent board of academic editors and world-renowned scientists and researchers. In this Special Collection, the content focussing on lung cancer is organized together in one place, including papers such as “Molecular pathways and therapeutic targets in lung cancer” by Emma Shtivelman, Thomas Hensing, George R. Simon, Phillip A. Dennis, Gregory A. Otterson, Rap

us clinics lists

When people refer to contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The problem nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being thoroughly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website has a full publications list with respective scores higher than 100 as we

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When people discuss today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most crucial roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are necessary to meet the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with respective scores higher than 100

Онко-мишень: TAF15 способствует индуцируемой радиацией стрессовой реакции при раке.

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « ETAF15 способствует индуцируемой радиацией стрессовой реакции при раке », в которой сообщалось, что TAF15 подавляется генетически, что привело к значительному снижению пролиферации клеток NSCLC. Клетки, лишенные TAF15, демонстрируют остановку клеточного цикла и усиление апоптоза за счет активации и накопления p53. В сочетании с облучением нокдаун TAF15 приводил к значительному снижению выживающей фракции клеточных линий NSCLC. Чтобы определить важность поверхностной экспрессии TAF15, они нацелены на TAF15 с помощью антитела. В сочетании с облучением антитело против TAF15 привело к уменьшению выживающей фракции раковых клеток. Эти исследования Oncotarget показывают, что TAF15 является индуцируемой излучением молекулярной мишенью, доступной для противораковых антител и повышающей жизнеспособность клеток в ответ на излучение. hospitals in usa clinics in usa usa clinics lists usa hospitals lists

us hospitals lists

When general population mention modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The challenge today is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with corresponding scores above

Oncotarget: триптолид-индуцированный апоптоз при немелкоклеточном раке легкого

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Триптолид-индуцированный апоптоз немелкоклеточного рака легкого с помощью нового пути, опосредованного miR204-5p / Caveolin-1 / Akt », в котором сообщается, что рак легкого является одним из наиболее распространенных злокачественных новообразований немелкоклеточного легкого во всем мире. рак составляет почти 80% всех случаев. К сожалению, многие пациенты с раком легких диагностируются на поздних стадиях болезни с плохим прогнозом. Авторы демонстрируют, что обработка триптолидом клеток NSCLC A549 и H460 снижает экспрессию мРНК / белка Caveolin -1, что приводит к активации Akt / Bcl-2-опосредованного пути митохондриального апоптоза. В целом, их результаты свидетельствуют о новом механизме, с помощью которого TL оказывает цитотоксическое действие на NSCLC через подавление CAV-1. Кроме того, результаты автора Oncotarget демонстрируют ключевую роль индукции TL пути Akt / Bax в апоптозе рака легких человека. hospitals in usa clinics in usa usa clinics l

clinics in us

When public mention today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The problem nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being thoroughly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with respective scores

clinics in us

When people speak of today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The issue today is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and attempted to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with respective scores high

clinics in us

Доктор Джонатан А. Келбер из Калифорнийского государственного университета в Нортридже сказал: « Секвенирование следующего поколения (NGS), такое как РНК-секвенирование или анализ всего генома, опухолевой ткани, полученной от пациентов, в сочетании с современной биоинформатикой обладает большим потенциалом для улучшения исходов заболевания за счет выявления новых биомаркеров начала, прогрессирования и устойчивости к терапии ». Среди преимуществ NGS перед другими технологиями - возможность выполнять мониторинг транскриптома с высоким разрешением для выявления вариаций изоформ, аномальных паттернов экспрессии и сигнатур экспрессии генов с низкой экспрессией или длинных некодирующих РНК. Однако понимание влияния микроокружения опухоли на экспрессию генов и, в частности, профили биомаркеров раковых клеток затруднено тем фактом, что исследователи имеют ограниченный доступ к свежей опухолевой ткани, содержащей качественный и легко доступный материал нуклеиновых кислот - эти образцы обычн

hospitals in us

When people refer to modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with corresponding scores higher than 100 as well

clinics in us

Oncotarget published "Angiomotin stabilization by tankyrase inhibitors antagonizes constitutive TEAD-dependent transcription and proliferation of human tumor cells with Hippo pathway core component mutations" which reported that the evolutionarily conserved Hippo inhibitory pathway plays critical roles in tissue homeostasis and organ size control, while mutations affecting certain core components contribute to tumorigenesis. Here the researchers demonstrate that proliferation of Hippo pathway mutant human tumor cells exhibiting high constitutive TEAD transcriptional activity was markedly inhibited by dominant negative TEAD4, which did not inhibit the growth of Hippo wild-type cells with low levels of regulatable TEAD-mediated transcription. The tankyrase inhibitor, XAV939, identified in a screen for inhibitors of TEAD transcriptional activity, phenocopied these effects independently of its other known functions by stabilizing angiomotin and sequestering YAP in the cytosol

clinics in us

When public discuss today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The issue nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a complete publications list with corresponding scores high